
Online catalogue (IPAC) help.


Searching allows you to enter a search term in the search box to search for records that contain the specified term (in all fields, titles, authors, keywords, etc.). The search terms can only be in Slovak.

What can you enter in the search box?

Form - Simple Search

  • One word, e.g. sviatočný,
  • More words independently of the order, e.g. odev sviatočný,
  • Just one part of the word – replacing the extension to the right with a star, e. g. sviatoč*.

Special characters in the specified term are ignored when searching (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = [ ] { } \ , . / < > ? ; ' : " | ®). If you enter a special character in the search term, it will be replaced by a space because the terms in the indexes are modified as well. If you include some special characters in the search term, the search may not be successful in certain cases.

Press + to add more search boxes and combine search requests. The use of filters allows a more precise search request formulation.

Form - Simple Search

If you need to further refine your search request, you can use additional tools:

  • Searched resources – digital objects, or by subject.
  • Object type – audio, video, documents, images or 360°.
  • Region of origin.


Autofill is an assistant that will appear below the search box when you enter a search request, based on the initial characters you have already typed. You can search for longer words or phrases without having to write them out in full.


Search results

The Search Results page will show found records matching your search criteria.

If more records are found, the records will be displayed on multiple pages with ten entries on each page. The number of records found is visible at the beginning of the page and the possibility of moving through the pages can be found at the beginning and the end of the page.

Records are displayed and sorted according to a predefined setting. This setting can be changed.

What can I do with the search results?

  • Show detailed display format.
  • View record details.
  • Add to My Bookmarks.
  • Click on hyperlinks.

Display formats


The shortened display format contains brief information about the object or author, the subject entry, etc.


A display format containing all information available about the object (if you search for "digital objects" in the catalog) or about the author, subject entry, institution, etc. (if you search in authorities).

Record detail

Clicking on a particular record in the search results listing will display a page with the detail of that record. The start line shows the total number of records in the search results and the possibility to skip to another page.

The record is automatically displayed in a detailed display format, including a preview of other related objects (if available). The detailed display format contains highlighted links and magnifiers that allow you to search for more linked records or information. E.g. the magnifier by the name of the author performs a search of and displays the author's record. The hyperlink (clickable underline) of the author's name performs the search for and displays all records from that author.

What can I do with the record?

  • Add to My Bookmarks.
  • Copy the link (www address) to display the record.

My Bookmarks

The web page My Bookmarks is a place to temporarily save your records.

The current number of entries in My Bookmarks and the possible paging shift is displayed at the top of the page.

The number of entries in My Bookmarks is limited to 500.

En bloc record operations:

The records in My Bookmarks can be viewed in different display formats and sorted.

The records in My Bookmarks will be automatically deleted when you close your browser.


The page Contact will allow you to send us an email with your request, question, etc.

Send to email

You can send records from My Bookmarks via e-mail to the entered address or to multiple addresses. Enter the recipient addresses in the appropriate field separated by a comma. The subject of the email is preset, but can be changed.


  • Select the order of the records and their display format.
  • Insert a link to the records´ detail. This is displayed as a button by the record.
  • Number the records – show a serial number for each record.

The listing will be in the body of the email (i.e. not as a separate email attachment).

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Recipient Category Description
Google Analytics Analytical cookies Website traffic measurement.
Google Privacy Policy Analytical cookies Map view.
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Cookies and other storage technologies, Meta Platforms Ireland Limited.

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